Andréa Albright – Numerology, Yoga And Diet – 2013 English

Andréa Albright - Numerology, Yoga And Diet - 2013 English + [14 MP4, 7 MP3, 6 PDF] + 4.18 GB

Andréa Albright – Numerology, Yoga And Diet – 2013
English + [14 MP4, 7 MP3, 6 PDF] + 4.18 GB

3 Steps To ‘Eating Spiritually’ Using
The Science of Numerology

By Trent Tyler & Andréa Albright (with Melissa Madigan)

Your Life Number. Did you know that there are specific foods designed for your life path number which align you with the vibrational patterns the Universe?

Did you know that many of the foods you probably consider healthy are not healthy for you?

Did you know that there is a simple, fool-proof way to determine the foods your life path number should be eating daily—and that these foods not only balance your spirit’s vibrations with the energy of All…they also can boost your health, energy, and even restore your ideal body weight?

This is the newest form of Numerology Science, adapted to the oldest, wisest way to eat. Eating spiritually has been a practice of many truth-seekers throughout the ages. Yet, today, many well-intentioned seekers adopt what sounds like a “spiritual” diet.

Perhaps they go vegan or vegetarian (and for some, this is good). Perhaps they try to abstain from food, or fast on certain days.

We have found a better way—and the discovery Andréa, Melissa and I made a few years ago that led us down this wondrous path of spiritual and universal Enlightenment, has become the “next thing” in Numerology.

While we never intended to have such a massive impact on Numerology adherents, the Truth just has a way of seeping out. The Universe is a wonderful conduit of all that is Real. And today, we’re thrilled to share this new discovery in the world of Numerology with you.

We’ve taught this new method of spiritual eating using numerology as your guide to countless men and women since its discovery, and it always begins with these 3 key principles you must embrace in order to align yourself with the foods that align YOU to the Universal Source.

That said, we have to lovingly caution you: What you are about to hear may go against all the conventional diet advice you’ve been hearing. For instance, you may be surprised to discover that broccoli is not healthy for YOU. It may be perfectly healthy for someone of another life path number, but YOUR number is not aligned with eating broccoli.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? We would not have believed it ourselves if it wasn’t for the consistent, life-altering results we’ve seen since our discovery.

Curious? Great! Let’s dive in…

Step 1: Know Your Universal Number

Universal NumberYou may be new to numerology, and that’s perfectly okay. You do NOT need to be an expert, or even proficient, at numerology to reap the benefits we’re about to share with you.

Those benefits begin with the simple task of discovering your Universal Number. For those of you familiar with Numerology, this is almost identical to your Life Path Number (in fact, we use the terms interchangeably.)

However, there are key differences. There are only 9 universal numbers (11 life path numbers), and everyone on the planet can easily find out what their universal number is by using the formula you’ll soon discover…
Step 2: Embrace The Power Of Eating Spiritually

The Power of Eating SpirituallyThe practice of spiritual eating—eating in a specific way to help align you with Universal Consciousness, is at least a 5,000-year-old practice.

The methods used to do this—the diet plans and foods—have, up until today, been based on tradition, beliefs, and a fair bit of guesswork. There has never been a way to determine exactly how and what you should eat to connect spiritually to the Universe…until now.

This incredibly unique and powerful method of eating spiritually, which we’ll cover on the next page in detail, allows for a much stronger alignment with what we call Universal Vibration. This is simply the specific vibrational energy patterns of the Universe that affect us all in unique and specific ways.

The wonderful news for most food lovers (and we are definitely in that category!) is that this is not about permanent deprivation. Permanent deprivation rarely if ever works, even for the most spiritually committed individual.

You have no-doubt seen how weight loss diets that demand radical lifestyle shifts and removal of entire groups of foods (like certain carbohydrates, fats, and even proteins) rarely if ever work.

The reason behind this deals with a simple principle called Universal Acceptance.

What we’ve learned is once you accept the foods that generate the highest vibrational energy into your life, and reduce the foods that block these vibrational patterns, life begins to open up like a flower opens to the sun.
You are connected to the Universe with greater ease and with a stronger sense of Oneness, joy, and peace. This unleashes the loving power within your Self, and enables you to express and be present in ways that transcend anything you’ve ever experienced.

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