Anthony Robbins – Creating Lasting Change

Anthony Robbins - Creating Lasting Change [53 MP3; 1 PDF]

Anthony Robbins – Creating Lasting Change [53 MP3; 1 PDF]

Anthony Robbins Creating Lasting Change – The 7 Steps to Maximum Impact

Audio CD; Publisher: Robbins Research International (2008)

We are living in challenging and uncertain times.

Never before have we faced so many economic, environmental and global changes all at once. The marketplace, technology and the very way we do business are shifting at a rapid pace.

And, in these times of change, the world needs more quality and inspiring leaders.

Imagine having the ability to make an impact with any individual, group or situation. Imagine being able to motivate people to achieve more, to see the best in themselves and to step into their higher power.

What if you had the capacity to inspire and motivate your employees to take immediate and proactive action towards meeting your company’s objectives?

What if you could effectively promote an idea or cause that could make a difference in times of tragedy or crisis?

What if you were able to help someone in your family eliminate a debilitating behavior or to add more depth and meaning into the life of someone you care about?
The path of leadership is the ability to influence others (and yourself) to achieve even more.

For over three decades, Anthony Robbins has been fascinated by human psychology.

Throughout the years, he has studied everything from Victor Frankl’s work, to cognitive therapy, to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), to a traditional clinical approach.

In this time, Tony has been utilizing the principles drawn from all these disciplines—as well as his own practical experience of working with over four million people— to answer one question: What makes people do what
they do?
•  Why are some people wired to help others, while others seem wired for destruction?
•  Why causes some people to find positive growth and meaning from a negative experience, while others dwell on it for years and let it impair their entire future?
•  How can the same experience represent pain to one person and progress to another?

The answer? It all comes back to what we make the experiences of our life mean.

But, what has proven to be the most effective and efficient method for change is a system that Tony personally tailored to fit the needs of the millions of people he has worked with around the world. Based on the foundation of Human Needs Psychology and the input of world-renowned family therapist, Cloe Madanes, Tony created The 7 Master Steps to Maximum Impact.

This technique is what Tony uses while working with individuals at his live events and while coaching premier athletes, world leaders and top business and financial strategists.

As the world continues to get smaller and smaller, we need more people to step up and to help others see their potential.
This is the path to making an impact—for yourself, others, in your community and in the world.

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