Charles Kirkland – iAds Made Simple

Charles Kirkland - iAds Made Simple

Charles Kirkland – iAds Made Simple

Advertise On EVERY Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod TODAY!
Get Your Product before 1 Billion Buyers in 100 Countries with iAds! What are Apple iAds?

iAd is Apple’s private advertising platform, used show ads on iPhone, iPad and iPods.

iAd can get your ads shown on more than 250,000 apps in over 100 countries and to almost 1 billion users.

In today’s fast paced world, you need to deliver your message quickly. iAds make it easy to get your product or service in front of people ready to buy!

You can get your first iAds campaign up and running the same day for as little as $10 per day.

Most Apple users have a credit card connected to their accounts, so you end up with very high quality traffic.

Apple sends prospects straight to your website, so you can build the ultimate customer base to market to whenever you want!

Apple built the iAd system from the ground up to allow marketers to reach their entire user base of almost 1 billion users.

If you’ve ever wanted to tap into Apple’s customer base, iAds are fastest, most direct and most effective way to reach them!

iAds allow you to target based on user interests, categories, country and location down to major metro areas. Apple actually does the heavy lifting for you—by using your interests and data from your device, they can do your targeting for you on autopilot.

Do Apple Users Spend Money?


Apple has high quality traffic that loves to products online.

Apple users spent nearly $500 million on apps and in app purchases in the first week of 2015 alone.

That’s a half billion dollars in just 7 days. Crazy, isn’t it?

Look at what CNN just said about the 2014 Black Friday:

Apple users outspend Android users on ‘Black Thursday’

“Apple iOS mobile users spent about 25% more than Android owners on their Turkey Day purchases, with an average of $118.57 per order compared to $95.25, according to the most recent data from IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark.”

This is massive spending power—and you can get a piece of the action with Apple iAds!

Can iAds Boost Your Bottom Line?

With almost a billion users, better sales figures are basically guaranteed for business harnessing the power of iAds. And, Apple users are a highly engaged audience, far more likely to follow through with purchases.

Infinite recently published an eye-opening report on just how much time iPhone users spend on their phones.

Their study revealed that iPhone users spent an average of an hour and 15 minutes on their devices every single day. Where else are you going to find such a highly engaged buying audience?

Are You Sure iAds Will Work for Me?

Getting in on the ground floor of a new technology is always good for business.

iAds are so new that Apple hasn’t gotten strict like Google and Facebook, so they’re are open to niches and offers that might be prohibited by other ad networks.

With iAds, you can promote your apps and products around the world with more freedom—and far fewer restrictions than you’ll find on older networks.

I’m Going to Show You the Ropes!

I’m going to show you, step by step, how to cash in on iAds.

I’ve created special videos to help you navigate your way through them…I’ll show you how to set up two campaigns from scratch, so you can easily set them up on your own.

But that’s not all I’m going to show you.

You’ll also learn:

How to create a high converting banner for mobile devices

How to set up your iAd campaign for CPC or CPM and what the big difference is so you don’t waste money using the wrong bid types for your offers

How to set up CPA on iAds so Apple delivers as many customers as possible while keeping your costs down

What style of banner works best with the iAds platform (and which ones to avoid)

How to combine iAds with CPA or ClickBank offers for even more revenue-generating potential—it’s easy when you know how (and I’m going to show you!)

What products to promote to maximize your profits—and minimize your risks

A simple and completely free way to get high converting ads for your offers

How to maximize your results on iPhones and iPads to get the best possible ROI from your ad campaigns

How to use LeadPages to create high converting landing pages and how to avoid the biggest, most profit-killing mistake that most LeadPages users make

How to get Apple to give you the tools you need to create high converting animated banners from right inside of the iAds framework

The best time to promote apps, landing pages and CPA offers in the app network or iTunes Radio

How to build out high converting landing pages with OptimizePress2 and LeadPages, plus landing page enhancements that can create a significant boost in revenue

Why most spy tools will not work with mobile devices and how you can protect your iAds campaign from getting stolen by your lazy competitors

How to find the best times and days to run your ad for the highest ROI and how to have iAds do the research for you

Why keywords are a thing of the past with iAds and how to start using interests for maximum profit

…And a whole lot more!
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