cold reading 101 and hearts routine.pdf

cold reading 101 and hearts routine.pdf

cold reading 101 and hearts routine.pdf

Cold reading is a series of techniques that help you to discover details about a person so that you can convince him or her that you know more about them than you actually do.
Cold reading can be a simple as making something up about someone that they could perceive as true, for example:
“You look around a lot. Apparently, that means you’re some one who wants to feel safe.”
“The way you hold your glass is interesting. Supposedly, it means you’re really confident.”
“They say that women with bangs like that are known for having a nasty darkside.”
These simple cold reads are great for generating conversation about body language, psychology, and spirituality. However, a complex cold read, can really change the dynamics of a relationship.
Check out this video clip of a particularly complex cold read that involves NLP, and blows a few model’s minds:
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