Dan Kennedy Top Secret Ninja Funnels – Value $997

Dan Kennedy Top Secret Ninja Funnels – Value $997

Dan Kennedy Top Secret Ninja Funnels – Value $997

Sales Page: https://gkic.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nathniotr?/ninja
Download Files Size: 320MB

These sales funnels are responsible for MILLIONS of dollars of sales.  But now, for the first time ever…

“Discover Our Top Secret ‘Ninja’ Sales Funnels GKIC And Other Savvy Marketers Are Exploiting For Maximum Profits…So You Can Legally Steal Them For Yourself And Start Creating ‘Free Money’ Out Of Thin Air!”

These Closely-Guarded Strategies Allow Us To Take Every Dollar Our Customers Spend, And Effortlessly Multiply Them By 4x, 5x, and 6x Like Clockwork!
Dan Kennedy Top Secret Ninja Funnels

And Now, For The First Time Ever, We’re Taking Thousands Of Hours Of Testing And Tweaking And Making Them Available To You So You Can “Swipe And Deploy” For Your Own Business!
Dear Renegade Marketer,

If you want to literally create “free money” out of thin air, then you’d better drop whatever you’re doing and read every single word of this message.

Because I’m going to share with you GKIC’s biggest “money-out-of-thin-air” strategy you’ve ever

These time-tested and proven “profit multipliers” are responsible for taking every single dollar that GKIC makes…and turning it into $4, $5, even $6…just by adding a couple additional steps.

And the best part is you don’t have to be some “marketing guru” or copywriting genius to do it.   I’m not exactly the most talented individual myself…but I DARN sure know how to extract as much profit from a sale as possible.

Now I know you’re a little skeptical.  I get that.  You probably thing this is some “pushbutton” guru fantasy that promises to have money shooting out of your bank account with no effort from you.

Sorry to say that but there IS some work involved.  But the best part is you can “start small” and build things up gradually…as we’ll explain later.

Listen: clients don’t pay me $18,000 per 1-day strategy session for nothing.  And people don’t pay me $80,000 and $100,000 per sales letter just to have me write “power words” on a piece of paper.

In fact, I’m going to be rather blunt and tell you that:

Chances Are: You’re Leaving SERIOUS Money
On The Table If You’re NOT Doing This!

Listen: so called “savvy” marketers everywhere who don’t use these profit-multiplying steps are literally leaving hordes of free money laying out in the open…waiting for their nearest competitor to lap up.

Most are in it for the “one-off” sale. They try to sell as many copies of their ebook, their course, or some other doohickey and expect to rake in the profits just by doing that.

Sure that might have worked 10 years ago…when you can pay Google AdWords 5 cents per click and competition was scarce.

You see, the secret to having a TRUE “income at will” business is to have a sales funnel that let’s you literally multiply every single dollar for every sale you make.

And to take every single lead you get and gently push them up money pyramid—putting more dollars in your pocket.

You see, this is the #1 secret I implement in every single client’s business.  And 85% of them come back to me for repeat work because there’s so DARN happy with the results they’re getting.

And GKIC implements this stuff every day…thanks to my teachings…and so do the other “GKIC Elite” who follows what I say like it’s gospel.

So are you satisfied with the money you’re making right now?  Well, keep reading and you’ll discover how to do just that—thanks to some little known “ninja” secrets most marketers will NEVER know!

The Consequences Of Just “Letting Things Be” And
Sitting On Your Duff And Doing Nothing!

Now you might be thinking that, “Hey, I’m doing OK!”  I’ve been doing well for the past year or so…why fix what’s broken?

Listen: the secret to unparalleled sustainability and certainty in business is 2 things: consistent lead flow—and the ability to turn those leads into paying customers.

Most people fill up their sales funnel with “freebie-seekers” and “looky-loos” who have no intention of buying if their life depended on it.

Unless you are personally coached by me or are in one of our Masterminds…or have been following my stuff for the past 20 years…chances are you don’t know about these special “ profit multipliers” that takes every single dollar you plug into it…

…and spits out up to $6 like a broken slot machine in Vegas!

And that’s bad news.  Sure you’re probably doing OK now…but with the tax rates going up in the US…the only thing you can do is “make more”.

I don’t mean to scare you.  But if you are doing well right now…or are a “newbie” getting started, you HAVE to “get hip” to these proven steps you can use to bolster your business right now if you want to maintain a stable business…5…10…15 years from now.

Otherwise, you’ll just wonder “what could have been”.  You could have missed out on one of the RARE simple ways you could multiply your income—and attract amazing wealth for you and your family.

You’ll always keep looking over at your competitors wondering why they’re doing a lot better than you.  While you’re “settling for” the status quo in your business—happy with the income you’re making now.

Believe me, it’s no mystery.  Just follow proven steps others before you have followed…copy them exactly, and take action.

And today I’m going to give you a RARE opportunity to do just that because:

We’re Going To Reveal To You Our Top Five
“Ninja” Funnels That Literally Creates FREE Money!

More on that in a second.  But first let me tell you what these funnels have done for GKIC…and what they can do for you.

These funnels allow is to get up to 6 dollars back for every dollar our customers spend with us.  It’s all about the magic that happens after the initial sale.

And I know many other of the GKIC faithful have been exploiting these drop-dead simple funnels…and really raking it in as a result.

Best part: you can start implementing today.  And you don’t have to implement every single step right away.

Just start with one “tweak” or change in what you’re doing now.  You might have an extra product you could upsell right now…even an affiliate product you can use.

In other words, you don’t even have to create the product to make this stuff work!  And when you experience the extra income, sustainability, and certainty these funnels will give you, something awesome will happen:

You’ll Be Able To Advertise Wherever You
Want…And OUTSPEND Your Competition!

When you could get up to 6x your money back for every dollar your customers spend, you’ll be able to hire the BEST employees, advertise ANYWHERE you want….and KEEP advertising there again and again!

That’s because most of your competition is trying to sell as many copies of their “thing” they can sell.  They do NOT have these secret “ninja” funnels in place…so they cannot drop $5000 on that magazine ad…

…or spend $2000/month in pay-per-click marketing

…or hire that hotshot copywriter that commands $10,000 per sales letter.

Just think about what that will do to your business.  Heck, you can do some pretty darn outrageous things to market yourself and stand above the pack.

You know, one of our GKIC co-marketers of the year, Walter Bergeron, sent 77 “Shock and Awe” packages to top clients in his niche.  A  “Shock and Awe” package is basically a package designed to overwhelm the recipient and stuffed full of a variety of convincing information to do business with them.

Walter created a case that included a video pitching his services and one of the famous New Orleans King Cakes.  Each suitcase cost him $200 to put together…

But he ended up closing $400,000 worth of business…just by having 8 people to respond to his package!

Granted, he’s in a specialized niche where each transaction is $50,000.  So spending $15,400 on a “shock and awe” campaign was worth it to him…because he made that back with just ONE transaction!

How many of Walter’s competitors were sending out “Shock and Awe” packages to their prospects?  Not very many…because most business owners subscribe to “masses thinking” that can KILL businesses:

They Wanted To Be As “Cheap” As Possible
When It Comes To Getting More Leads!

Well, this is not going to be you.  That’s because we’re going to let you be a “fly on the wall” of what makes GKIC crank out cash from every customer like a vacuum on steroids when you watch and take action on:

GKIC’s Top-Secret
Ninja Funnels!

Dan Kennedy Top Secret Ninja Funnels 2

Ninja Funnels is a no-holds-barred explication of the funnels we use at GKIC…along with other marketers who are “in the know” with what works and what doesn’t when it comes to converting leads into paying customers.

Dave Dee, the Chief Marketing Officer of GKIC, and Darcy Juarez, the Director of Marketing, diagram out GKIC’s proven and time-tested sales funnels and go into the specific gritty details of what makes each funnel work.

You’ll discover our “secret” upsell sequence, how we follow up with certain customers with direct mail, the pieces that have worked for us, and what to avoid when it comes to siphoning your customers through your sales funnel.

Believe me:

This Isn’t A DVD You Just Watch Once And
Let It Sit On Your Bookshelf To Collect Dust!

You see, the difference between people who really rake it in…and “pretenders” who just live a settle-for life is one thing:

They just took action and followed in the footsteps of those who went before them.  Pure and simple.

Listen: I am no genius…and have no skill and talent you don’t already have.   I just learned from people who went before me in the world of advertising and marketing.

As Mark Twain said, “I just stood on the shoulders of giants”.  And you can too when you literally “copy and paste” these proven marketing funnels …responsible for millions of dollars in profit…into your OWN sales process!

When that big box containing Ninja Funnels comes in a couple days, you could discover couple steps you haven’t implemented…or didn’t think about in your own sales funnel.

And they could also point out deficiencies in your current funnel that could have been leaving you scores of money on the table.

You see, the “insider” information you’ll get when you watch every single minute of Ninja Funnels will spark so many ideas in your head that you might feel just a tad overwhelmed.

But that’s OK:

You Don’t Have To Implement Everything
At Once When You Start Taking Action
On These Ninja Funnels!

You could implement one step tonight.  Another step the next week.  And create a new product you can upsell your customers by next month.

But the best part is you can start as soon as you get that big box on your doorstep!   You’ll discover how “top-secret” sales funnels we only reveal at our big national events and our coaching and mastermind groups.

Here are the 5 funnels you’ll discover:

The Grab-N-Go $4.95 Money-Making Machine:  This is THE funnel you need to implement if you want to filter out free prospects from people who are willing to yank out their wallet and buy.  It instantly filters out your hyper-active prospects…allowing you to segment your list and market to each one by itself.  This is stuff hardly anybody is doing!
The $0 to 6-Figure Escalator:  This is a simple funnel that’ll show you an easy way to sell a high-priced program.  You’ll be able to pre-qualify those that are truly interested in what you offer…instead of “looky-loos” who will just waste your time.  Just wait until you see the direct mail sequence we recommend!
The Buckets O’ Cash Generator:  This funnel was a 100% offline direct mail campaign that made the cash register ring continuously.  And it doesn’t matter what business you’re in…it can be equally as profitable for you too!
The 6x Converter:  This funnel was used to increase the value of a new member or product purchaser by 600%.   This is what we used in our last launch and the campaign is about 60 days long. There is an automated evergreen back-end that is killer…you have to check it out. All hands off on your part!
The Accidental Member Generator:  This funnel is a great way to instantly turn any request for free information/downloads/etc. into an offer that 10%-20% will take immediately.  It works for memberships, products, or services.  This is a prime opportunity to segment your database by offering them “free” to discover who is interested in buying!
BONUS FUNNEL!  Only Available Until Midnight Monday:

2X Launch Membership: This was a “hidden funnel” that we have used to double our membership numbers from product launches (reaching rates as high as…we’ll you just have to wait and see…but this has added tens of thousands on dollars of revenue…EVERY MONTH.) You’ll get all the steps, the copy…everything, so you can literally swipe and deploy to start using these immediately. In fact, in your bonus funnel, you’ll even get two sets of copy from two different launches.

Sure, You Can Test And Tweak Yourself
And Try To Figure This Stuff Out:
Or you can be smart and just follow what GKIC does.   That’s because we already spent the thousands of hours of manpower, and invested in multiple split-tests to discover “what works” and what doesn’t.

We have 40 in-house marketing experts at GKIC headquarters who are working night and day testing, tweaking, and testing again what converts when it comes to eking out as many profits from our marketing campaigns as possible.

And these are the sales funnels we use again and again.  We also teach them to our students in our Masterminds, coaching groups, and other GKIC events that go up to $5000 per head.

Sure, you can do this yourself.  But why not “cut and paste” proven marketing system and funnels into your OWN sales process…instead of  pulling out your hair testing and tweaking this stuff yourself?

We’ve probably spent $100,000’s of dollars in advertising costs, product creation, software, and other marketing expenses to test this out.

So you’d expect that if we were to hand you these “ninja” funnels on a silver platter that were the result of YEARS of testing, blood, sweat, and tears, it would cost at LEAST $5000.

Well, you don’t have to pay $5000.  Even though you could easily make that back by adding another step or 2 you’ll discover in Ninja funnels that could bolster your bottom line.

For a limited time, we’ll let you in on Ninja Funnels for only $997.

That’s pretty DARN cheap considering you could pay a decent copywriter $5000 to test a higher-converting sales page.

Or you could blow $5000 or more on your next marketing campaign that could lead to a negative return…which is what most people do.

Why not invest a small amount now…and “legally steal” these PROVEN and time-tested sales funnels for your own business?  And add just a couple more steps to your existing sales funnel so you start getting results right away?

All the work is done for you.  All you have to do is “connect the dots” and cut and paste for your own business.  That’s it!

Best Part:

Ninja Funnels Is Designed To Get 10x,
100x, Even 1000x Your Money Back Within
30 Days Of Using It!

Listen: there’s probably 1 or 2 “tweaks” you can do to your current sales process that’ll result in a HUGE profit windfall for you.

It could be a quick downsell you can immediately implement.  Or an extra marketing step that’ll move people further up the money pyramid…so you can put more money in your pocket.

In fact, I guarantee it will work for you.  Here’s why:

Give Ninja Funnels a try.  Implement what Darcy and Dave teach as the outline every single step of GKIC’s marketing funnels so you can swipe ideas for your own.

If you don’t get your money back within 365 days of implementation then just let the GKIC Concierge know by calling 1-800-871-0147 and you can return for a full refund!

No hassles…and no hard feelings.  In fact, Ninja Funnels HAS to work for you…otherwise you can get your money back.

Most of you reading this message could implement 1-2 tweaks right away into your business that could lead to a HUGE income boost.

And if you’re just getting started, you could avoid yourself a TON of trial and error most “other” marketers have to go through.

I mean, c’mon…you’ve got a full 365 to test these out for yourself.  If you don’t get your Ninja Funnels investment back than you get a refund.  Which means that:

You Get To Implement These Ninja
Funnels Into Your Own Business For FREE!

So what are you waiting for?  You can either “settle for” what’s going in in your business right now…and be happy with the profits you’re already making.

Or you can tap into MANY years of trial, error, and testing and tens of THOUSANDS of dollars of manpower—all in one package for you to consume and implement for your own business.

Remember, you get the Ninja Funnels swipe file…showing the sales letters, emails, and upsells, downsells, and landing pages you can swipe and deploy for yourself.

Heck, just the swipe file itself is worth the money!   This is what’s working right now in GKIC…and you’ll be one of the few people in your niche that’ll be able to get a hold of this money-siphoning collection.

It’s up to you.  If I were you I’d take action and see what you’ve been missing out in your business.

Like I said before…this is the biggest “free money” secret I have EVER revealed.  If you pass this up that’s like leaving money out of your pocket…

…never to be seen again.

It’s one thing to get “leads”.  It’s another thing to extract money from those leads…4-5-6x more than what you paid to bring them into your funnel.

You just have to know the correct steps to do that. And why not follow in the footsteps of a company that has exploited these secret Ninja Funnels over and over again for massive paydays?

[center][img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [quote] http://filetut.com/m2y2sllghpho/Ninja.Funnels.rar.html

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