The Dollar Vigilante

The Dollar Vigilante

The Dollar Vigilante

The Dollar Vigilante

Name Product: The Dollar Vigilante

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Price: $45/Month

This is all Dollar Vigilante publications as of February 2013.


”A dollar vigilante is a free market individual who protests the government monopoly on money and financial policies such as fractional reserve banking and un-backed fiat currencies by selling those same fiat currencies in favor of other assets, often including gold and precious metals.”

The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is not your typical financial newsletter. While we cover all aspects of the ongoing collapse of the US dollar financial system, we do it from a free market view. In fact we are the most thoroughly free market newsletter there is. We can confidently say this because no other conservative, libertarian or free market newsletter wants the state entirely out of the way as we do.

It takes a proper view of government intervention to be able to make the moves that best protect you from government intervention. Here at TDV we have absolutely no illusions about government and its inherent tendency to steal, distort markets and cause physical and economic destruction…

Therefore our analysts can offer the best advice on how to protect your current assets and standard of living. We can also help you grow those assets, too. But again, this is not like other newsletters. We are in a new era. President Nixon essentially replaced the gold standard with the dollar standard. The Dollar Era allowed the Federal Reserve to usher in an Age of Inflation that benefitted financial assets. Getting rich in stocks became relatively easy.

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