Dr Topher Morrison – 7 Secrets to Becoming a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

Dr Topher Morrison - 7 Secrets to Becoming a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

Tutorial: Dr Topher Morrison – 7 Secrets to Becoming a Highly Paid Professional Speaker
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Topher will be proving this by showing you the invoice for the venue he’s booking for this event. You’ll be shocked at how affordable venues can be when you know EXACTLY what to look for! This one technique if not applied, can be devastating in your business. A friend of mine in the business who shall remain nameless had to pay $40,000 for a venue that she didn’t even use!!!
Calculate REAL break-even points for your seminars.
If your seminar expenses are hypothetically $5,000 and your tickets are $500 each, then you might think you only need 10 delegates to break-even. Come to my one-day workshop and discover just how big of a mistake this is. NOTE – This error in judgement has been the demise of many would-be speakers. Don’t let simple miscalculations be the death of your profession also, attend this program and discover how to accurately forecast your profits.
Earn the respect of other professional speakers by avoiding the single biggest pit-fall too many speakers fall into. Why would you care about having other speakers respect you? Because it’s instrumental in getting booked as a speaker nearly 45% of the time. Sadly, most speakers do the EXACT OPPOSITE and repel referrals away from other speakers. Find out why and how at this event!
Discover the #1 strategy that virtually guarantees a profitable event every single time!
This one strategy is what casinos use to pay for their entire electricity bill every single month… What is it? You’ll only find out when you participate in this event!
Develop the elements of charisma!
Yes, that’s right… being charismatic has nothing to do with good looks, there is a specific way that you can use your voice, along with your gestures that will create massive appeal and move your audience into following you. As soon as you discover this one simple process, you will instantly be able to see it being used in people like Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, & Anthony Robbins.
Prevent ‘know-it-alls’ from showing up at your event and distracting the other delegates from learning, or even worse, stealing your thunder and teaching from the audience. This strategy is used in Hollywood all the time to keep people from knowing how their movies will end. Media moguls use this in commercials to have you glued to the TV for a product ad that you have no interest in ever purchasing. Just imagine how powerful you will be from the stage when you are speaking to an audience who sincerely wants to learn from you AND you use this technique to drive home your points!
Identify the most destructive AND the most influential styles of non-verbal communication.
All too often, speakers have great messages, but the audience never believes them, never hears them, or never respects them because they are completely turning the audience off with their non-verbals… discover just what these are so you can avoid them and then make sure you consistently use your non-verbals in ways to keep them entertained, or laughing, or deep in thought.

This one day course is sure to get you on your path or re-ignite your stalled career. All of the content from this program is taken from Dr Topher Morrison’s flag-ship program, Legacy. A course that individuals pay $20,000 to attend and learn the exact same techniques and tricks of the trade I’m going to share with you on this one special day for only a fraction of the investment.

How much of a fraction? Only .005%
That’s right, for only £77.50 you can attend this amazing event.
Now, obviously at Legacy we cover even more amazing techniques, but before you invest £13,000 into a life-altering and career catapulting program, come by for a day and learn these amazing techniques.

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