Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

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Imagine How It Would Feel To Get Checks Like This Mailed To You Every Single Month — For Doing Work That You Love, On Your Own Time, From Anywhere In The World…

This check for $6,450 is only the downpayment on a $13,000 freelance project — and nope, it’s not mine — it was mailed directly to one of my students after she successfully negotiated a five-figure deal using material from my premium course.

Keep reading to learn how  Freelance Domination 2.0 can teach you how to start and grow a profitable freelance business with skills you already have. (Soon, it’ll be your name on that check

With Freelance Domination 2.0, You Will Learn…

  • How to find a profitable skill that you know people will pay for — even if you don’t think you have any good ideas
  • Where to find clients who will pay premium prices for your work (both online and offline), and how to craft killer proposals that get the job every time
  • How to quickly scale your freelancing business to $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 or more every single month
  • Advanced strategies for creating an endless “funnel” of high-paying clients, and outsourcing the projects so that you can be “hands off” if you choose

“Which Rafter Should I Hang Myself From?”

In Late 2011, I realized that if I stayed at my dead end restaurant job one more day, I was probably going to hang myself from the charming, antique oak rafters of that God-forsaken steakhouse.

Not to be grim — but that’s simply how I felt.



All viable options at one point…

I wasn’t in any serious danger of hurting myself (you don’t need to email me…really). But I was EXTREMELY fed up.

I was so TIRED with being limited to a meager paycheck when everything I wanted to do with my life required two things I didn’t have:

  • More free time
  • A lot more money

Now remember, this was 2011 and I’d just seen The Social Network. I was pretty juiced up, imagining that if I just had “the perfect idea”…or could somehow re-do everything and go to Harvard…I could be the next Zuckerberg and finally create something I loved that actually made money.

So I did a lot of meditating. And deep thinking. And agonizing. I was looking for that million-dollar idea. I prayed to a few different gods.

I even went to a psychic to help pull it out of me.

(Serious. Like…not a joke. I was looking for a screenshot of the receipt to show you, but my bank account won’t go back that far.)

3 months later, I was still at the restaurant begrudgingly scooping butter balls into plastic ramekins for pre-diabetics who shouldn’t have been eating that food anyway…when it hit me….

“I don’t need to come up with a new idea. I can just do something I’m ALREADY good at.”

It sounds like a shallow, obvious realization…but at the time, it was like it was like Harry Potter walked into my brain and turned the mother f***ing switch on.


If you don’t get the reference, you’re lamer than I am for making it

Fast forward to one year later and I’d started not one…but TWO profitable freelance businesses — a college admissions prep firm (offline) and a web design company (online).

Each generated THOUSANDS of dollars every month, while allowing me the freedom to schedule my life how I wanted. The restaurant was a distant memory.


I fell victim to TWO HUGE ROADBLOCKS along the way that almost took me down.

Chances are, if you’re on this journey, you will run into them as well.

Keep reading.

Get this course at here :

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