IM Buzz – 6 Figures PLR

Joe Sugarman – Lost Sugarman Tapes

IM Buzz – 6 Figures PLR

IM Buzz – 6 Figures PLR

In this new 8 part video series, you will learn the exact steps how to profit from PLR ebooks with just an unique twist….. a twist with a magical difference.

What you will learn in this coarse…..

The 3 places you should buy PLR ebooks from. These are the ONLY 3 places you should buy PLR products from. I also show you exactly what to look for when buying PLR material to sell as your own.

The one thing you must do to EVERY PLR ebook or product you buy before you even think about selling it.

How to turn a PLR ebook or article pack into a brand new product in hours and almost for free. With this method, you can turn old and tired PLR ebooks into brand new unique products, literally in hours.

Why you MUST change the sales letter you are given. I show you exactly how to do this. Never ever use the sales letter that comes with the PLR product.

A simple way to make your product even more unique. With this method, you will be creating even more value to your product.

Why trying to go for a “home run” is the worst thing you can do. It’s so much easier to have 10 products earning $1000 a month then it is to have 1 product earning $10,000 a month.

How and where to find super affiliates just dying to promote your product. This is a secret source very few people know about. One simple free advert here and you will have swarms of affiliates ready to promote your product.

You get taken by the hand and walk you through the whole process of this video series.

Plus you recieve this bonus:

Spin Master Pro is a suite of TWO brand new software products that make writing spinnable articles or turning existing PLR content into unique spun content a breeze.

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