Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula 3.2

Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula 3.2

Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula 3.2

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Price: $1997

Yes, Jeff! I want access to your Product Launch Formula 3.2 Coaching Program so I can create my own massive Product (and Business) Launch!

I understand that my tuition for the PLF 3.2 Coaching Program also includes access to the full PLF Video Training Modules, plus the Live PLF Coaching Calls, plus all the extra bonuses.

I understand that I will also get Jeff’s full “Launching Your List” program… and I will get this immediately the moment I complete my registration.

I understand that I will also get Jeff’s “Product Creation Course”, and that this will be delivered after the PLF course is complete.

I understand that the program starts this coming week, and each new module will be released at approximately 8 to 10 day intervals, based on the needs of the overall class.

I understand that as part of my tuition, I will get one free complimentary ticket to the 2012 PLF Live Workshop.

I understand if I can’t attend the Live Workshop, I will be eligible for online access to the edited recorded videos from the event.

I understand that the information that is going to be shared in this coaching program is highly sensitive and contains confidential strategies, techniques, and tactics, and that I will not reproduce, distribute, disseminate, divulge or disclose any of the secrets, strategies, techniques or tactics contained in this course (that I did not previously know) in any way, shape or form whatsoever.

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