Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed)

Jordan Belfort - Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed)

Jordan Belfort - Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed)

Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion System (Compressed)

The Straight Line Persuasion System was created by Jordan Belfort. Straight line persuasion is a pioneering multimedia home study course that guarantees immediate and lasting results. Jordan Belfort, one of the world’s top performing salesperson turned coach, created this easy to follow course, which is broken down into ten modules, to teach people how to become outstanding closers. This straight line persuasion review looks at how the system, invented in 1988, works.

Jordan, also called ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, designed the course to help people feel confident, shorten the sales cycle, enhance the closing time by at least 40% to 100%, increase client referrals, raise venture capital, and improve negotiating skills.

The straight line system applies to any industry and every job function, such as sales executives, internet marketers, customer service, management, marketing executives, retailers, coaches, consultants, and telesales executives. The system is good for entrepreneurs and business owners, large multinationals, brokers and agents, sales people of both tangible and intangible products and services, and anyone who wants to make money.

All businesses and even basic everyday functions require some king of selling. Having a good understanding and strategy for influencing, selling and persuasion is essential for success. One does not need to excel in the straight ­line system to get results. In order for the system to work, you need to set boundaries that will help you maintain a straight line to the closing of the sale. How one opens is very important, and will influence whether or not one closes the sale. The opening should make people believe that you are the right person to help them achieve their goals.

The opening should meet three key factors, namely:

The client must know that you believe 100% in your product.
The client must see that you know what you are talking about and that you are sharp.
The client must respect you and see you as an authority figure.

Everything comes down to one’s ability to close the deal. You need to meet three key requirements, called the three ‘tens’, before closing the sale. Failure to meet even one of these requirements will lead to failure.

The client has to see that you love your product.
The client has to believe that you care and trust you.
The client has to respect your company.

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