Paul Hancox – Presell Mastery

Start Generating $1,000 Paydays with Simple Product Launches That Explode Your Paypal Account

Paul Hancox - Presell Mastery

Paul Hancox – Presell Mastery

Many factors influence the conversion rate (i.e. ratio of sales to number of unique visitors) of your sales page, including…
How presold visitors are,
How familiar they are with the product creator (for factors like “trust”),
The quality of the product itself,
Word of mouth (people want to know what others think of a product),
The effectiveness of the sales page.


Paul Hancox - Presell Mastery

As you can see, the sales page is just one part of it, although an important one. Let’s say your sales page converts search engine traffic at around 1%. Let’s say you generated $2,000 a month in sales revenue from that traffic.
Simply by increasing your conversion rate from 1% to 2%, you could double your sales revenue from $2,000 to $4,000 a month – which would be nice, wouldn’t it?
Now, a good copywriter may be able to rewrite your sales letter and increase that 1% conversion rate to 2%… but in this scenario, he or she would only be able to influence ONE of the FIVE factors I listed above – the effectiveness of the sales page itself.
This is where Presell Mastery comes in. When you gain Presell Mastery as my blueprint will show you, you can influence all the other factors that affect conversions and sales.
You can use your Presell Mastery skills to prime your potential customers to be ready to buy, so the sales letter merely acts as the final “clincher”. Indeed, effective preselling is one of the main keys to creating sales “channels” (as I call them) that convert at 5% or more.
Think about it. In our example above, if we can go from 1% to 5% with effective preselling and a effective sales page, we’ve gone from $2,000 a month to a massive $10,000 a month!
Of course, your results may be different… but my point is, Presell Mastery combined with an effective sales pages is how you get your conversion rate up significantly.
My Presell Mastery blueprint will show you exactly how to do this, so make sure you sign up to be notified of when this blueprint will be revealed.

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