Scott Young – Learn More, Study Less

Scott Young - Learn More, Study Less

Scott Young - Learn More, Study Less

Scott Young – Learn More, Study Less

1. You could get better grades, with less studying than you are doing now.
2. Smart people aren’t just gifted – they have a different learning strategy (that you can copy).
3. Most people have no idea how they learn things. As a result, they can’t train themselves to be smart.

These things may seem unbelievable. However, using the tactics in Learn More, Study Less, I have:

* Aced university finals with little or no studying.
* Scored first in an advanced inter-province chemistry exam. Without even being aware I needed to take the test until five minutes before writing it.
* Read over 70 books in a year.
* Scored in the top three percentile for a national exam. Despite never having taken the course being tested.
* Minimized course work to maintain an A average while running a business, taking frequent international trips and still having time to socialize and party.

I say this not to brag, because my accomplishments are relatively modest. In researching extraordinary learners I’ve found people who have achieved A averages with triple the full-time course load, memorized entire books and breezed through degree programs designed to fail most people.

The full 12 class modules in the video course, showing you how to:
* Speed read
* Remember vocabulary words with amazing accuracy (and far less time) than by rote
* Set up a killer productivity system to nuke your procrastination
* Study for exams holistically (and how I’ve aced university finals with no studying)
* Use mental pictures to “get” hard math, physics or chemistry concepts the first time
* Dissect a course, to know exactly which tactics to use to ace the class
* Set goals you’ll actually achieve
* Handle a crisis before an upcoming exam
* Create metaphors easily, to understand ideas faster
* Take flow-based notes, so you learn in less time
* Learn more and study less with 6 hours of step-by-step instruction

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