Silva Manifesting – Awakening the Reality Architect in You

[center]Silva Manifesting - Awakening the Reality Architect in You
[b]Silva Manifesting – Awakening the Reality Architect in You[/b]

Name Product: Silva Manifesting – Awakening the Reality Architect in You
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There’s a Reality Architect in YOU.

At The Silva Method, we believe everyone is born a Reality Architect — and that all you need to do to realize this ability is to wake up.

How? Through a scientific process that tunes your conscious and subconscious mind to the frequency of manifesting.

A process we’ve perfected over 50 years, that takes the frustration and guesswork out of this metaphysical science, and instead gives you a laser-accurate process for manifesting your deepest desires, time and time again.

Imagine being able to manifest…

Serendipitous coincidences and synchronicities like bumping into an old friend at a restaurant, or getting a sudden email from that company you’ve been wanting to work with
Creative solutions and answers to challenges at work, at home or in your relationships-even if your conscious mind was at a dead end
Lucrative business or investment opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to sniff out or recognize
A loving soulmate who brings out the best in you, or a deeper connection with your current partner
Better physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing by effortlessly gravitating towards wholesome food, positive people and a healthy lifestyle
A natural magnetism for wealth, so you always maintain a positive wealth mindset and a strong attraction towards abundant choices and people
A strong sense of your unique purpose, so you know exactly how to make a profound positive impact in yourself, your community and the world
The ability to manifest to this degree isn’t just possible — it’s inevitable, once you learn to control a specific set of functions in your mind.

The program is divided into the following 9 sections:


Your journey starts here. Listen to Jose Silva’s intimate thoughts on manifesting, and learn key concepts for getting the most out of the program, like the Desire, Believe, Connect, & Expect model.

The 8 Keys To Perfect Meditation

Meditation is a crucial element of manifesting, because it helps you access your subconscious mind and spiritual self. In this part you’ll discover what to do (and what not to do) for a better meditation practice. You’ll also be trained to master Zap and Stoplight meditations, which are quick, easy, powerful mind exercises you can integrate into your daily routine.

Highlights include:

The Actualization Process Exercise for manifesting your goals at lightning speed
The 9 secret ingredients for perfect manifestation
The open-eyed meditations how to remain in a calm and focused meditative state, even when you’re awake

The Power Of Your Purpose

One of the most empowering gifts you can ever manifest is awareness of your life purpose; the reason you were placed on this planet. This lesson gives you a step-by-step guide for finding and pursuing your unique purpose. You’ll also experience the profound Life Purpose Exercise for improving your focus, and quieting the Monkey Mind that distracts and holds you back from your goals.

Highlights include:

The Life Purpose Exercise: a powerful step-by-step method for identifying your unique purpose
The Monkey Mind Exercise for eliminating unwanted distractions, and gaining laser-sharp focus

Engaging Your 4 Bodies

The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual: these are the 4 ‘bodies’ that make you, you. Before you can start manifesting to your fullest potential, you’ll need to master the art of engaging these 4 bodies and aligning them with your desires. In this part you’ll find all the insights you need, along with the immersive Engaging Fully Exercise for connecting with your 4 bodies.

Highlights include:

The Engaging Fully Exercise for connecting with your 4 bodies, and aligning them with your desires

Getting Permission From Yourself

One of the most overlooked aspects of manifesting is giving yourself permission to have what you want in life. Through a set of fascinating lessons and exercises, including the From a Distance exercise, this part trains you to release yourself from the guilt, negative beliefs and hidden subconscious land mines holding you back from a blissful state of allowing.

Highlights include:

Understanding the Law of Allowance — the Law of Attraction’s lesser-known sibling that could make or break your manifestations
The From A Distance Exercise. Use this to make vivid points of reference, and project your consciousness outward into space

Why Your Thoughts Become Things

What do you spend most of your time thinking about? The answer to this question will determine the things, people and situations you’ll attract into your life. This Part reveals why your thoughts are the fuel of creation, and trains you to use the Choice Points and Target Image exercises for better control over your thoughts.

Highlights include:

The little-known key to taking full control over your thoughts, and eliminating negativity
The Target Image Exercise for enhancing focus and eliminating mind chatter
The Choice Points Exercise: the perfect tool to help you solve problems and make decisions

Waking Up To Your Greatness

The people who settle for mediocre lives are those who forget they were born to achieve greatness. In this part you’ll discover 7 powerful ideas for achieving greatness in every area of your life. You’ll also learn how to integrate your greatness with other key concepts like belief, desires and synchronicity for a truly holistic approach to manifesting.

Highlights include:

Conceive, Believe, Achieve: the 3 stepping stones to manifestation
The Integrating Greatness Exercise: use this for an instant exhilarating boost to your self-esteem

Manifesting & The Mirror Of The Mind

The Mirror of the Mind exercise that you just experienced is one of The Silva Method’s most powerful tools. People claim it helps them bend reality. Coincidences, opportunities, and attractive partners: they all seem to walk into your life when you start applying this technique. In this Part you’ll learn to get even more out of this exercise by learning the 6 Universal Laws in the Mirror of the Mind, and how to integrate gratitude into your daily life.

Highlights include:

The Law of Reciprocity: why paying it forward is crucial to your manifesting success
The 6 Universal Laws in the Mirror of the Mind. Discover how to get the most out of this profound exercise
The Gratitude Exercise for attuning yourself to gratitude and manifesting more reasons to be grateful

Magnetizing Yourself For Money

Master the art of manifesting what everyone wishes they had more of: money. Learn the 6 ways to create an Abundance Mindset, how to get a little help from above, and try the engaging Money Magnet Exercise for an instant abundance boost. The result? You’ll be one of those “lucky” people who never has to worry about cash for all the things you need and want.

Highlights include:

The Money Magnet Exercise for fine tuning your internal process to the frequency of abundance
Silva Manifesting also comes with 3 sets of bonus material:

Essential Silva Method Exercises

New to The Silva Method, or just looking for a refresher? This supplemental CD includes audio tracks for 3 of The Silva Method’s essential exercises:

1. The Centering Exercise

2. The Three Fingers Technique

3. The Mirror of the Mind Technique

Music from Silva Manifesting

Listen to some of the original compositions used in the Silva Manifesting program. These tunes were specially composed to help you relax, and guide you into a deeper state of mind. Perfect as a background accompaniment to your meditation and chill-out sessions.

Mastering Silva Manifesting

A 3-part easy reference collection of tools and techniques from the program

If you want to truly master the art of manifesting, you’ll need to be consistent and persistent with the exercises and techniques. We’ve included every single technique found in the program in this handy reference section, so you can get straight into the action without rewinding and fast-forwarding through the main program.

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