Success For Children – Jonathan Parker (subliminal)

Guy Finley - New Knowledge that Makes Negative States Powerless Over You

Jonathan Parker - (subliminal) Success For Children

Jonathan Parker – (subliminal) Success For Children

What You Should Know About Subliminal Perception

What is subliminal perception? Does it really affect your mind and behavior? Subliminal audio programs are one of the most recent tools in the self-development field that offers the promise of helping people make dramatic life changes conveniently, inexpensively and with little effort. But, to what degree does subliminal programming work?

Subliminal Perception, A Natural Process

Perception is the natural, normal way you receive impressions from your environment. Subliminal refers to information that is perceived below the level of conscious awareness. Normally, you pay conscious attention to a very small percentage of information that you experience through our sense and your mind.

Try this test: take a moment to focus your attention on the sounds around you and you will discover there are many background noises you normally completely ignore?consciously that is. These sounds probably include traffic noise, machinery, conversations, birds, insects, etc. Nevertheless you are aware of this constant bombardment of stimuli, even though it is perceived below your conscious awareness by your extremely receptive and sensitive subconscious mind.

Effects of Subliminal Messages Known for 100 Years

Interest in subliminal communication first developed shortly after Freud presented his revolutionary idea that we all have a hidden, unconscious mind. One of Freud’s contemporaries, Dr. O. Poetzle, developed and tested theories related to the effect of subliminal stimulation on dream content. In 1917, Poetzle was the first scientist to demonstrate the close relationship between subliminal stimuli and posthypnotic suggestion. His discovery, called the Poetzle Effect, indicates that subliminal perceptions evoke dreams and actions days or weeks after the original perception.

In the last 50 years, many hundreds of carefully controlled scientific studies have been conducted on subliminal perception. An abundance of scientific data resulting from decades of research indicates that subliminal perception does occur and information perceived subliminally does affect the unconscious or subconscious mind. And most importantly, subliminal programming has been shown to be an effective tool for influencing and changing behavior. Controversy over subliminal stimuli arises precisely because it does influence people’s behavior without their conscious awareness.

Subliminal Communication and Public Awareness

As the story goes, subliminal stimulation of the subconscious mind first came to the attention of the general public in 1957 when market researcher James Vicary conducted a controversial research experiment in a Fort Lee, New Jersey, movie theater. In this well-publicized experiment, the subliminal messages, “Hungry? Eat popcorn. Thirsty? Drink Coca-Cola,” were flashed on a movie screen every five seconds, for a duration of only a fraction of a second between frames of the Kim Novak movie, Picnic. The results that were reported were that there was a dramatic increase in the sales of popcorn and cola.

Subliminal Messages Used in Stores to Reduce Shoplifting

in subsequent years, it was discovered that subliminal messages could be masked in music or other audio programs. An article in TIME magazine in 1979, titled, “Secret Voices,” reported that nearly 50 department stores in the U.S. and Canada were using subliminal messages in the music systems to reduce shoplifting and employee theft. One East Coast chain was reported to have reduced theft by 37%, amounting to the phenomenal savings of $600,000 over a nine-month period.

A similar story in the WALL STREET JOURNAL in 1980 stated the installation of a subliminal message system in a New Orleans supermarket accounted for a drop in pilferage loss from almost $50,000 per six months to “the astounding figure of less than $13,000” – an all-time low! Cashier shortages dropped from $125 per week to less than $10 per week. Subliminal messages found to be effective were statements like, “I take a great deal of pride in being honest. I will not steal. I am honest.”

Scientific Evidence: Subliminal Messages Influence Behavior
Extensive Documentation of Subliminal Perception

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