WP Countdown Dynamite

WP Countdown Dynamite

WP Countdown Dynamite

WP Countdown Dynamite

Name Product: Countdown Dynamite Developer’s License

Sale Page: http://countdowndynamite.com/

Price: $44.20

The big problem that costs you money:

People today are apathetic. They browse the internet in a “zombie-like” state. It’s hard to get them to take ANY action. They have a million things on their to-do list, and buying from you isn’t that high of a priority to them. 99% of them will come to your salesletter or affiliate site, and then leave, without buying anything.

Many marketers say “this offer will expire at midnight tonight.” But who believes that stuff any more? Nobody.

Not only that, but because people know that this is “fake urgency” they feel like they are being lied to. This drops conversions even more!

Plus, even if you do make a real special offer, what happens with the people who visit your website later? They don’t get the great deal, they feel left out, and they don’t buy.

[img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [code] http://filetut.com/tshyqjcunvkw/countdowndynamite.rar.html
[/code] [b][color=red]***If the link is dead please sent mail to me, I will re-upload immediately***[/color][/b] Support Mail:[code][email protected][/code]

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